Motion picture rating system

A motion picture rating system is designated to classify films with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content. A particular issued rating can be called a certification, classification, certificate or rating.

This is designed to help parents decide whether a movie is suitable for their children. Yet, the effectiveness of these designations is widely disputed. Also, in some jurisdictions a rating may impose on movie theaters the legal obligation of refusing the entrance of children or minors to the movie. Furthermore, where movie theaters do not have this legal obligation, they may enforce restrictions on their own. Ratings are often given in lieu of censorship. Movie theater's often have time restrictions on what time kids can come in with their parent.

In countries such as Australia, an official government censorship system decides on ratings; in other countries, such as the United States, it is done by industry committees with little, if any official government status. In most countries, however, films that are considered morally offensive have been censored, restricted, or banned. Even if the film rating system has no legal consequences, and a film has not explicitly been restricted or banned, there are usually laws forbidding certain films, or forbidding minors to view them.

The influence of specific factors in deciding a rating varies from country to country. For example, in countries such as the US, films with strong sexual content are often restricted to adult viewers, whereas in countries such as France and Germany, sexual content is viewed much more leniently. On the other hand, films with violent content are often subject in countries such as Germany and Finland to high ratings and even censorship, whereas countries such as the US offer more lenient ratings to violent movies.

Other factors may or may not influence the classification process, such as being set within a non-fictional historical context, whether the film glorifies violence or drug use, whether said violence or drug use is carried out by the protagonist, with whom the viewer should empathize, or by the antagonist. In Germany, for example, films depicting explicit war violence in a real war context (such as the Second World War) are handled more leniently than films with purely fictional settings.

A film may be produced with a particular rating in mind. It may be re-edited if the desired rating is not obtained, especially to avoid a higher rating than intended. A film may also be re-edited to produce an alternate version for other countries.



A comparison of currently active film rating systems, showing age on the horizontal axis.

Country/System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult Other Notes
ACB G PG M MA15+ R18+/X18+ RC MA15+ and R18+ are legally restricted. X18+ is banned in all states of Australia except for the territories. RC (Refused Classification) is banned publicly but can be viewed privately.
MJ/DEJUS L 10 12 14 16 18 N/A
Atp 13 16 18 N/A
A B C D X F Only D-rated and X-rated films are restricted. F-rated films are banned.
CHVRS [1] G PG 14A 18A and R AA The 18A rating was introduced because a few films were too strong for the 14A rating but did not have enough violence or sexual content to get banned or A rated.
MoC T 7 12 15 18/X Banned
U 12 15 18 N/A
Medierådet A 7 11 15 F Children turned seven can watch 11-rated and 15-rated films provided they are accompanied by an adult.
F is only used on homevideo, as "Fritaget" exempt from classification, mostly documentaries, stand-up and educational material
General Audience (Unrestricted) Adult (Restricted) N/A
PERE L MS-6 K-12 K-14 K-16 N/A Movies which are rated K-12, K-14 and K-16 require age proof.
FBFC S K-3 K-7 K-11 K-13 K-15 K-18 N/A Children up to 2 years younger than the given rating can watch movies rated K-3 to K-15 when accompanied by an adult.
Country/System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult Other Notes
MoC U -10 -12 -16 -18 N/A The "-10" rating only exists for television.
FSK FSK 0 FSK 6 FSK 12 FSK 16 FSK 18 N/A All ratings are restricted.
K K-13 K-17 N/A Films which are rated K-17 require age proof.
TELA I IIA IIB III N/A Only persons aged 18 and above are permitted to watch Category III films.
KN 6 12 16 18 X N/A
Smáís L 7 12 14 16 18 N/A
CBFC U U/A A S The "S" rating is sometimes used to restrict films to certain audience only.
IFCO G 12/12A 15/15A/16 18 N/A The categories 12A, 15A and 16 only exist for cinema. Video releases of movies with these ratings usually get, if they are rated 12A, they are rated 12, if they are rated 15A, they are rated 15, and if rated 16, they are rated 18.
Eirin G PG-12 R15+ R18+ N/A
Country/System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult Other Notes
ALL 12 15 18 Restricted Rating restriction rating is none.
NCC U 7+ 12+ 16+ 18+ N/A The U, 7+, 12+ and 16+ ratings are unrestricted. If the 18+ rating appears blue it is unrestricted but if it is red then it is restricted.
NBC G PG 12+ 15+ 18+/18+R PU Any film with an 18+R classification should advertise with a warning on specified contents presumed directly or indirectly affecting an individual. PU films are allowed for professional use only.
RTC AA A B B-15 C D N/A The "B-15" rating is for cinema only.
Kijkwijzer AL 6 9 12 16 N/A 12-rated programs can only air past 8PM and 16-rated programs can only air past 10PM.
OFLCNZ G PG R13/R15/R16 R18 N/A All ages may watch an M title, but parents are advised that the content is more suitable for mature people 16 years and over. Nobody under the given age can legally see an R rated film, although sometimes an RP rating is provided meaning that those under the given age must watch under adult supervision.
NFaVCB G PG 12/12A 15 18 N/A
A 7 11 15 18 N/A Children up to four years younger than the given rating (with the exception of 18-rated films) can watch the film provided they are accompanied by an adult.
Apt 14 18 N/A Children under the given rating cannot watch unless accompanied by an adult.
MTRCB GP R-13 R-18 X Until the early 2000s, a plain R rating was used instead of the current R-13 and R-18 ratings. This previous rating restricted the audience to those above 17.
KRRiT BO 7 12 15 18A 18 N/A 7 is not considered an official rating.
Country/System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult Other Notes
CCE M/4 M/6 M/12 M/16 M/18 N/A
MDA G PG/PG13 NC16 M18 R21 N/A Movies rated "R21" are excluded from television ads and video releases.
FaPB G PG 13 16 R18/X18 N/A X18-rated media is prevented from having a cinema release or a television advertisement.
Statens medieråd Btl 7 11 15
N/A Younger children can watch 7-rated films, and if at least 7 years old 11-rated, if accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old.
Some rental shops and adult cinemas use an unofficial "18 år" (from 18 years) rating



N/A Children up to six years younger than 12 (Protect) or 18 (Counsel) may watch however only if under parental guidance.
P/G 13+ 15+ 18+ X18+ Banned Before the rating system was introduced often cut were made to reduce sexual content.
BBFC U PG 12A/12 15 18/R18 Rejected 12A legally requires parental supervision for those under 12. R18 is usually reserved for pornographic content only, but, on rare cases, the cert has been given out to programs with extreme graphic violence/gore. Films marked "Rejected" are banned.
MPAA G PG PG-13 R NC-17 NR (Not Rated)
NC-17 means those who are 17 or under are not allowed in, thus one must be 18 or over for admittance. NR and Unrated cannot be viewed in theaters, however, can be broadcasted on Television and/or released on Home Video.
FAB C/F PD PD-M EM AO N/A This rating system is only used for films which are exempt from classification by the MPAA.
CAC G PG 12 16 18 21 This rating system is the same as the CHVRS. It only exists for cartoons.
CHVRS (1994–2005) G PG/DP 14 18 XXX NA (Not Approved) This rating system is the same as the CHVRS. It only exists for rental. DP means "parental guidance" in French. XXX means "explicit material".
Country/System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult Other Notes


Explanations of specific ratings are available below.


The Classification Board and Classification Review Board are government-funded organizations which classifies all films that are released for public exhibition.



Motion pictures are rated in Austria by a commission of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture (Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur). This commission issues an age recommendation for each title from the following list:

The ratings are published on the ministries website and can be either accepted or changed by the nine federal states.

DVD and video

Home video releases are not rated in Austria Usually the German FSK-ratings are printed on the cases, although they do not have any legal meaning. For this reason many films which are banned in Germany can be bought on DVD in Austria.


There are only three classifications for movies shown in Belgian movie theatres:

For DVD releases, Belgium uses the same system as the Netherlands.


Movies are rated in Brazil by the DJCTQ, or Department of Justice, Rating, Titles and Qualification (Departamento de Justiça, Classificação, Títulos e Qualificação in Portuguese), controlled by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice (Ministério da Justiça). No "parental guidance" ratings are used. The same rating system is also used for television shows.

The DJCTQ uses the following system:

People younger than the minimum age indicated by the rating can watch the movie accompanied by their parents or an adult guardian, except for pornographic films. The films are rated by trained raters and, more recently, the DJCTQ has surveyed the audience's opinions on the ratings indicated for specific films. No "parental guidance" ratings are used.

Former ratings


The Bulgarian film rating system is defined in the Film Industry Law (or Act) of 2003. The National Film Rating Committee examines every film that is going to be distributed in the country and gives it a rating. In practice, the ratings are rarely displayed on posters and in film advertisements, but almost all DVDs have them on the back cover.

Bulgarian film ratings
Rating Accompanying inscription When is it given
A Recommended to children "When the film is for children and has an educational nature."
B No age restrictions "When the film confirms the ideals of humanism, promotes national and world culture or by no means contradicts to the universally accepted moral norms in the country and there are no restrictive recommendations by the Committee."
C Not recommended to children younger than 12 years of age. "When the film contains certain erotic scenes or scenes with drinking, taking drugs or stimulants or a few scenes of violence."
D No people younger than 16 years of age are admitted. "When the film contains quite a number of erotic scenes or scenes with drinking, taking drugs or stimulants or a considerable number of scenes showing violence."
X No people younger than the age of 18 are admitted. "When the film is naturally erotic."
F "Films the contents of which is contrary to the universal rules of morality, that laud or exculpate atrocity, violence or taking drugs, that incite to racial, sexual, religious or national hatred, are not rated."

Note: unrated films can not be distributed, as no visa is given.

Before 2003 there was another rating system which was very similar to the current one (the same letter ratings were used, but the meaning of most letters was different; for example "B" stood for "not recommended for persons under the age of 12").

In practice, the rating "B" is given to most popular American films, even if they receive a more restrictive one in other countries.

In 2007, a few changes to the law were made, the effect of which will probably not be big for the rating system, though a film's rating could change. These changes are in effect from January 1, 2008.

Note: parts of the table above uses quotes from the English translation of the Bulgarian Film Industry Act published on the website of the Union of Bulgarian Film Makers.


Movie ratings in Canada are a provincial responsibility, and each province has its own legislation, rules and regulations regarding rating, exhibition and admission. Ratings are required for theatrical showings of movies, but are not required for home video. Film festivals which show unrated films (because they are independent films or foreign films not submitted for ratings) are treated as private showings by selling memberships to the festival, which circumvents the theatrical rating requirement.

There are currently six film classification offices rating movies in Canada, each an agency of a provincial government:

The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has not legislated on film ratings and does not have a dedicated agency; some theatres use the ratings of the Maritime Film Classification Board.

Home video ratings

Outside Québec

Rating Letter(s)
G General
All ages (Green)
PG Parental
Parental guidance
is advised (Blue)
14A 14
Under 14s must be
accompanied by
an adult at least
18 years old (purple or yellow)
18A 18
Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old. (In Manitoba and the Maritimes, people under 14 are prohibited from viewing the film. (orange or yellow)
R Restricted No one under the age of 18 will be admitted. (Red)

In Québec

In Québec, the Régie du cinéma ratings apply to home video products. Sticker rating labels must be provided by the distributor, and displayed on rental material.

The ratings are as follows:


The Council of Cinematographic Classification (Consejo de Calificación Cinematográfica) uses the following system:


People's Republic of China

The first film rating system of the People's Republic of China was expected to come out in 2005 as a part of the Motion Picture Industry Promotion Law (Chinese: 电影促进法).[2] However, the National People's Congress has not passed such a law.


As of June 22, 2005, the Ministry of Culture issued its new rating system. The classifications are:

Czech Republic


Prior to 1997, the releases in Denmark were rated by the National Board of Film Censorship and the possible classifications were:

The laws were then relaxed and the ratings were made less strict. The Media Council for Children and Young People currently rates films. The classifications from then on was:

Approval of the film for general admittance. 
Approval of the film for general admittance, but not recommended for children younger than the age of 7.
Approval of the film for admittance of children from the age of 11. 
Approval of the film for admittance of children from the age of 15. 
Exempt from classification – only usen on home video products (mostly documentaries, Danish stand-up shows and educational material)

Children who have turned 7 are allowed admission to all films if accompanied by an adult (a person turned 18). Consequently it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children do not watch violent and hard-core pornographic films.

Films accessible to the public do not have to be classified by the Media Council but consequently must be labeled as 15 – approval of the film for admittance of children from the age of 15 – no matter the content of the film.

At Cinemas the 11 and 15 classifications are restricted, and the cinema has to make sure that you are the right age, or if over 7 years old, accompanied by an adult.

On the home video market, only 15 is restricted, and the retailer must make sure that the purchaser is 15 years or older. It is illeagal to sell a 15 certified movie to a person under 15 years.


The Egyptian government has only three movie classifications:

Usually excessive violence, nudity, and sexuality is cut from motion pictures in order to release with a General audience certificate.


Films rated MS-6 and MS-12 are allowed for these age groups only under parental guidance. But, K-12, K-14 and K-16 are not allowed even under parental guidance. The Estonian rating system is considered to be milder than in the USA and Western Europe.[3]


The Finnish Board of Film Classification has a film classification system under which films are classified into one of the following categories:

A person two years younger than the given rating is permitted to see a film in a movie theater when accompanied by an adult, except for 18-rated films.

Only material intended to be accessible to minors (those below 18 years of age) is subject to mandatory inspection. A proper notification is sufficient for adult material. However, the board has the right to inspect material suspected of violating laws or material which was not properly notified.


Prior to showing in theaters, a license (visa d'exploitation) must be obtained from the Ministry of Culture. Upon the advice of the commission pertaining to cinema movies, the minister decides either not to grant the license (a very rare occurrence), or to grant a license among the 6 following:

Each rating can be accompanied by a special "warning". In practice, the ministry always follows the decision of the commission.

In addition, a movie bearing the "-18" rating may be considered "pornographic or inciting to violence" (colloquially referred to as "X-rated"). In this case, it bears high taxation and may be showed only in specific theatres, which are now rare in France. This classification is not used for merely violent movies, or movies containing mere erotic scenes.

Classifications, as all administrative decisions, may be appealed before the courts (Conseil d'État at litigation). The movie Baise-Moi went from -16 to -18 and was branded as "pornographic".

Related link: [1] (in French)


The Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft (Voluntary Self-Regulation of the Film Industry, FSK) has a film classification system under which films are classified into one of the following categories:

All the above ratings also contain the phrase "gemäß §14 JuSchG" (in accordance with §14 of the Youth Protection Law), signifying that they are legally binding, rather than being mere recommendations.

Furthermore, while a rating by the FSK is not legally required for a film to be sold, "unrated" films may be sold only to adults, and since most retail chains and virtually all cinemas will sell/show only films with an FSK rating, all films are normally submitted to the FSK for classification, with the exception of films that will most likely be refused a certificate (pornography or films containing extremely strong violence, for example).

After a title has received a rating for a cinematic release, the FSK must approve this rating again for a home entertainment release. Some titles therefore have different FSK certificates for the cinematic release and for the DVD release. Usually, the FSK applies stricter rules to the home releases and therefore sometimes the distributors have to release a tamed down version.

After 10 years, films may be resubmitted to the FSK for re-rating. Older films which have gained a FSK 18 certificate during the '50s or '60s often gain a much lower certificate now, due to a more liberal approach the FSK now takes in issuing ratings. However, due to the cost involved in resubmitting a film, it is common practice to keep the old certificate for the cinematic release and only submit bonus materials or extended scenes for classification. This leads to the seemingly paradoxical result of extended, and more violent versions of previously rated films gaining a lower certificate than the original version.

Further to the above restrictions, it is also illegal to supply a film with an FSK 18, Keine Jugendfreigabe or SPIO/JK certificate, including those not on the index, without definitive means to supply proof of age. This severely limits distribution of films with these certificates, and thus it is extremely common for distributors to supply a cut version with a lower certificate so that the film can be distributed by mail order or Internet. Almost all major online distributors have declined to distribute FSK 18 or Keine Jugendfreigabe films due to the legal difficulties in the past. Shopping centers, malls have been selling films with this certificate since 2002. Amazon Germany started selling titles with this certification in November 2006. Many smaller online retailers provide an FSK 18 section which may be accessed only by sending a scanned copy of the buyer's identification card or providing the ID card's number (which includes the date of birth encoded). The legality of this practice, however, is as yet untested. In September 2006, became the first major retailer to provide FSK 18 rated films, by making use of an ID checking service offered by the German postal service.

Before 2003, state prosecutors were able to confiscate FSK18 titles to put them on the index or ban them completely from distribution. Thus, many sellers were put off from selling these titles in the first place and instead sold the cut versions that usually carried the FSK16-tag. Under the new law of 2003, however, movies with an FSK18 certificate can no longer be confiscated or put on the index. The FSK may refuse to give an FSK18-tag because it deems the material too violent and/or sexually charged to even grant it an FSK-18 certificate. The distributor may then resubmit a cut version or refer it to the Juristenkommission for a certificate attesting that the film does not violate applicable law. Or distribute it completely unrated, which is equally limited as distributing a film listed on the "Index" – sublist A.


Any movies that will be shown in Greek movie theatres, whether local or foreign, must be classified. There are four ratings for movies shown in Greece and they are:

Hong Kong

An official government agency issues ratings for any movie that will be shown in Hong Kong movie theatres, instead of a private institution. They are:

Of the four levels, Levels I, IIA, and IIB are unrestricted. Only Level III is a restricted category. Ticket sellers in movie theatres have a legal right to check the identity of a person who wishes to watch a Level III film to ensure legal compliance.


Hungarian ratings are decided by the Rating Committee of the National Office of Film[5]:

Before 2004, there was 14 instead of 12, and there was not any fifth category.


Kvikmyndaeftirlit Ríkisins was started in 1932 and ran until 1997. That year the name changed into Kvikmyndaskoðun and ran until 2006. Since 1997 the board does not edit movies. The old rating system from Kvikmyndaeftirlit Ríkisins and Kvikmyndaskoðun is still valid and is as follows:

From July 1, 2006 Kvikmyndaskoðun was closed and Smáís has taken over the responsibility of rating systems in Iceland. Simultaneously, a new rating system started and is as following:

Certain films that have been rated as "LH" or "10" under the old system have been re-rated as "7".


In India, Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) is responsible for certifying films meant for public exhibition.

The Censor Board presently gives four categories of certificates, namely,

Additionally, V/U, V/A are used for video releases with U and A carrying the same meaning as above.


Motion pictures shown in Indonesia must undergo reviewing by the Indonesian Film Censor Board (Lembaga Sensor Film). Other than issuing certificates, the LSF also reviews and issues permits for film-related advertising, such as movie trailers and posters. LSF has the authority to cut scenes from films. Certificates are issued based on the following categories:


The Irish Film Classification Office (IFCO) under which theatrical films are placed into one of the following categories:

Films without certification are not ipso facto banned and have been shown at film festivals and arthouse clubs such as the Irish Film Institute.

For video releases (VHS and DVD), categories G, PG and 18 share the same meanings as above, however, there is no 16, and categories 12 and 15 are mandatory, not advisory.

There used to be an additional category, 12RA, for video releases. This means that children under 12 can watch the video however an adult of at least 18 years old must accompany him/her. This is an extremely rarely used rating.

Due to there not being a "16" classification for home media it the movie is sometimes cut on the video version in order to meet the guidelines of the "15" classification.

All videos and DVDs (except for exempt videos such as music videos and educational material) must be submitted for classification by the IFCO and then displayed on the front of the packaging, the back of the packaging and on the individual discs.

The rating of a movie may be appealed up to six months after the release of a film. After this period expires the same uncut film is not allowed to be appealed until at least seven years after the release.

Originally, IFCO used to ban far more films, however they still occasionally ban films (i.e. Boy Eats Girl was banned due to a suicide attempt but was appealed and was re-rated as 15A).


It was enforced since 1963 and all films aimed to be shown in Italy are classified into one of the following categories by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities:

In the past, pornographic or disturbing movies like Deep Throat and Last Summer were given a special X rating, but this rating does not take part of the official censorship and is used today only for pornographic videos. Some films were even banned for their extreme pornographic contents, disturbing violence or for their political connotation. For example were banned Freaks, Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom and Cannibal Holocaust, although these bans were lifted after. Few films like Last Tango in Paris were even sentenced to be burnt at the stake. The laws which allow such bans are still in force today, although have fallen into disuse.


A Japanese film rating regulator known as Eirin (映倫?) (full-name: Eiga Rinri Kanri Iinkai (映画倫理管理委員会?)) has a film classification system under which films are classified into one of the following categories:


In Latvia, the film presenters added classification is the same as the one applied by the producers of the film. However, this could change from 2008, because in July 2007 the government of Latvia made a law that indicates a more strict classification policy. The classifications are approved by the National Cinema Center (Latvian: Nacionālais Kino Centrs). There is a new 'refreshed' rating system from July 2007. (The following classifications will operate as of September 2007)


Malaysia's motion picture rating system was introduced in 1996. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, all films in Malaysia, whether local or foreign, are scrutinised and then categorised by the Film Censorship Board Film Control Division before being distributed and screened to the public. The board was established under the Film Censorship Act 1952 and was later replaced by the Film Censorship Act 2002. In accordance to this act, the Film Censorship Board is appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs. A panel is then appointed by the chairman of the board to view each film.

Once the film is viewed, the board then categorises the film as follows:

Should a film be approved, the Board then assigns one of the following rating to it:

Categories U and PG-13 are unrestricted, only 18 is a restricted category.

Prior to April 2010, there were four 18+ classification with two letters added, however, it has been abolished due to direction by the Film Censorship Board. The ratings are listed below:

18+ rated films require an accompanying adult for underaged patrons, though cinemas reserve the right to refuse sale or deny admission to underages even with adult accompaniment as they see fit or needed.

All film and cinema advertisements in newspapers must clearly show the classification for a movie. For clarity reasons, cinema schedules in local newspapers only state the movie's rating if it is not rated as "U". All three ratings in use also cover other types of films (e.g. direct-to-video, documentaries, etc.) not released in cinemas.

Due to piracy of music CDs and DVD/VCDs in Malaysia, all original musical works or movies on any format are required to have a hologram sticker with the words "Tulen KPDN & HEP Original". For films, a movie certification sticker by the Film Censorship Board of Malaysia (Lembaga Penapisan Filem Malaysia) bearing the signature of the director and the words "Pengerusi Lembaga Penapisan Filem Malaysia", a serial number and the films classification is required before it can be sold.


With the formation of National Bureau of Classification on December 29, 2005, a new classification regulation and a new rating system for movies were introduced. A classification certificate must be obtained first, before a movie or a movie-related production is released for commercial use including its trailers. NBC has the authority to cut scenes from movies. Classification certificates issued are based on the following categories:

Frontal nudity and sex scenes are censored. Pornography is banned.


In Malta, the vast majority of motion pictures do not receive a separate release/distribution, which means that local distributors import DVDs and Blu-ray Discs that bear classifications appointed in other countries: mainly, Great Britain and the United States. Motion picture consumers, therefore, refer to the BBFC, or its North American counterpart, for viewership guidance. Where public viewing is concerned, however, by rule of law, distributors must submit motion pictures to be shown in cinemas, for example, or for theatre reproduction, to a Government-appointed Board of Film and Stage Classification, which classifies productions in one of the following criteria:

Naturally, since Maltese authorities regulate only public viewing material, it remains possible to acquire a film that the Board of Film and Stage Classification have classified as Banned at a DVD/Blu-ray disk shop, provided the shop imports from countries where the film has not been denied distribution, or is otherwise restricted. One example of such a film, available at local DVD shops yet banned for public viewing at the nation's cinemas, is Ken Park.

In spite of the widespread importation practices described above, pornographic material generally remains unavailable at local shops.

Unlike the BBFC, the Board of Film and Stage Classification does not cut motion pictures per se: the last motion picture cut, a brutal religious drama that was similarly classified as prohibited in Sweden, was heavily edited for viewership in 1985. The film, left largely unintelligible, garnered a negative response from the public, which led authorities to abandon their practice of tampering with films. Due in part to this reluctance, the possibility of having a film banned for public viewing in Malta is perhaps slightly greater than it is elsewhere, although changes in Maltese society, and the church's ever-diminishing loss of clout, have allowed, in this regard, for a tolerant environment that mirrors the practices of other European countries.


The General Directorate of Radio, Television and Cinematography (in Spanish, Dirección General de Radio, Televisión y Cinematografía, or RTC[2]) is the issuer of ratings for television programs (although only one channel in Mexico explicitly shows the classification on each program, XEIMT-TV in Mexico City) and motion pictures. The RTC is a dependency of the Department of State (Secretaría de Gobernación). It has its own classification system, as follows:


In the Netherlands, the Kijkwijzer system is used, which is executed by the NICAM.



Mostly, these icons are used along with other symbols, displaying if a movie contains violence, sexual content, frightening scenes, drug or alcohol abuse, discrimination, or coarse language.

These symbols are also used for TV-programs in the Netherlands. The TV channel mostly chooses for Black / White. But Nickelodeon uses: Orange / White (Except TeenNick (Evening Block): Black / White.), Disney Channel uses: Blue / Purple, Disney XD uses: Green / Black.

New Zealand

The Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 gives the Office of Film and Literature Classification (New Zealand) the power to classify publications into three categories: unrestricted, restricted, or "objectionable". With a few exceptions, films, videos, DVDs and restricted computer games must carry a label before being offered for supply or exhibited to the public.

The currently available unrestricted ratings are:

The most common restricted ratings are:

The least common restricted ratings are:

Under New Zealand law it is possible for the New Zealand Film and Video Labelling Body to give an unrestricted rating to a film if it has been given an unrestricted rating by either the Australian Classification Board in Australia or, if the Australian Board has not reviewed it, the British Board of Film Classification, and it is not likely to be restricted under New Zealand censorship law. If a film has received a restricted rating (of at least 15+) in either Australia or the UK it must be classified by the OFLC.

The OFLC may restrict a film to a certain audience, either by age or by purpose. The Office can assign any age restriction, but R13, R16 and R18 are most commonly used, with R15 used less often. Persons under the age restriction may not see the film under any circumstance, even with parental consent. However, the Office may assign an RP rating (i.e. RP13 or RP16) which allows children under the age of classification to see the film with an accompanying parent or adult guardian.

The Office may also restrict a film to a certain purpose, in which case the R rating is used. The film is considered objectionable unless the conditions of the restriction are met. This may mean that a film is limited to viewing for study or research purposes, theatrical release, or for screening at film festivals. For instance, the film Irréversible is classified R18, but with additional restrictions limiting it to "the purposes of theatrical exhibition or study in tertiary institutions only".


The National Film and Video Censors Board classifies films, videos, DVDs, and VCDs. The categories are:


In Norway all movies have to be registered by the Norwegian Media Authority (Medietilsynet, formerly Filmtilsynet), a government agency, to be exhibited commercially. Though if distributors wish, they can just register the movie with the agency without any need for approval, but the distributor is then obligated not to admit anyone under the age of 18. The distributor is also responsible that the movie does not violate Norwegian law (only applies to movies with "degrading hardcore sexual content").

Movies are rated using the following classifications:

Films rated 7, 11 or 15 may also be seen by children accompanied by a parent or adult guardian if the child has turned 4, 8 or 11 years, respectively. In addition to the ratings, the board indicates if a movie is suitable for children, families, youths or adults. A film may be given a rating even though it is intended for an older age group, e.g. an "A" film might be intended for adults if it does not contain material unsuitable for young children. The Norwegian Media Authority have a somewhat greater tolerance for bad language and suggestive content than certain other countries, therefore films rated PG-13 in USA, might be given '7+' or the 'Suitable for all' rating. Examples are The Simpsons Movie or Step Up.

The board also indicates if a rating is "hard". A "hard" 11/15 rating is usually indicated by the text "not advised for children/youths under 11/15" ("frarådes barn/ungdom under 11/15 år"), however this does not affect if children under the given age are allowed to see the film if accompanied. In 2000 a Board of Appeal was established. Prior to this the ratings board could choose to reclassify a film.


In Pakistan all films are applied to Central Board of Film Censors


The motion picture rating system for movies shown in Peruvian movie theatres are:


In the Philippines, motion pictures are rated by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board, a special agency of the Office of the President. Television programmes are also rated (see the article).

There are five ratings currently in use. These are:

Level Classification rating Description
Unrestricted G or GP All ages admitted.
PG-13 Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
Restricted R-13 Strictly for persons 13 years and over.
R-18 Strictly for persons 18 years and over.
X Not for public viewing.
Discontinued R Strictly for persons 17 years old and over. If this exists until nowadays, it will scope the modern day ratings R-13 and R-18.
PG-7 Parental guidance for children below seven years old. If this exists until nowadays, it would be between the modern-day ratings G and PG-13.


Ratings in Poland are not set by any board or advisory body, but it rather depends on distribution company, cinema or television station. In case of television, the supervisory body – Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji (KRRiT, The National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television) can impose fines upon those responsible for improper rating of a broadcast, or lack of it.


Movies are rated in Portugal by the Comissão de Classificação de Espectáculos of the Ministry of Culture. In cinemas the ratings are mandatory whereas for video releases they are merely advisory. The categories are the following:

Special classifications

These classifications can be added to the previous ones:


National Audiovisual Council of Romania rating system:



USSR had a board of film classification:

It was later canceled. In 2001 two ratings were added (12 and 18) and in 2005 one rating was added (14).

Action board of classification


Introduced in July 1991. Movies in Singapore are rated by Media Development Authority. The categories are:

Orange rectangles are restricted ratings whereas green circles are general ratings. The rating PG13 is a new rating.

G, have no restriction on age and all audiences are allowed admission. Regulation on the presence of adults for PG and PG13 rated shows are advised but not strictly enforced. NC16, M18 and R21 groups are restricted to persons of the specified age or above of the particular group. Even if accompanied by a parent or guardian, no person under the specified age may be admitted; cinemas are legally obligated to check the identity document of every patron attending a film with a restricted rating.

South Africa

South African ratings are issued, certified and regulated by the Film and Publication Board. All broadcasters, cinemas and distributors of DVD/video and computer games must comply with the following:


Attitudes toward film censorship in Spain are unusual due to the adverse affect of dictatorship and heavy censorship until 1975 under General Francisco Franco. Therefore, most Spanish citizens are against censorship of any kind and prefer personal responsibility and liberalism, thus very few people show serious respect for certification of films. For example, cinemas in Spain never ask for identification.

Films with the Película X rating are only allowed in eight theaters in Spain. In 2009, Saw VI was the first film to be classified "Película X" solely for its violent content. Buena Vista, the distributor, unsuccessfully appealed the decision.[8][9] The film achieved wider release in October 2010, after edits were made to achieve an "18" rating.


Statens medieråd (the Swedish Media Council)[10] was founded January 1, 2011, when the former Statens biografbyrå (National Board of Film Classification) merged with Medierådet (formerly also called The Swedish Media Council). The Media Council is a government agency with the aims to reduce the risk of harmful media influences among minors and to empower minors as conscious media users.

The task of the Swedish Media Council’s film classification[11] is to determine whether films are liable to harm the well-being of children in different age groups.

The Swedish age classifications are not to be regarded as recommendations of suitability for children, but relate only to the risk of harm to children’s well-being according to the law SFS 2010:1882.[12]

The examination of the Swedish Media Council focus on violence and do not take into account the religious, political or moral attitude of films. Nor do they act as an arbiter of taste. Every film is classified in its own unique context and the age ratings are based on expertise and experience. The rating is not mainly based on parental taste, in opposite to the USA.

Only a very limited amount of violence is allowed in films for very young children. The classification process also includes assessments of film sequences that may have a terrifying effect on young children, including films and sequences that are difficult for children to understand and liable to cause confusion and fear. Since cinema films in most cases are subtitled and not dubbed in Sweden, the possibility for children to read the subtitles is sometimes an issue.

Films do not have to be submitted for classification if they are screened for audiences over the age of 15, or not intended for public viewing. However, this is the practice: when a film is rated, it can not be considered to violate any laws regarding its content. It is a criminal offense to hire or sell videos containing unlawful depictions of violence, thus meaning that the distributor could be held responsible for the content of a film if unrated. It is illegal also to rent or sell videos depicting realistic violence to children below the age of 15.

The censors, scientific professionals in the field of behavioural sciences, are contracted for a term of two years (so that they do not become habituated) and rate films so that they are not harmful in any psychological or behavioral sense for a certain age group – and not if the film is suitable for the age group, a common misconception. Violence is seen as far more socially disruptive than consensual sexual acts, nudity or strong language, which is generally looked at more liberally than violence. This can have the effect that some PG or PG-13 rated films in USA are being rated "15 years" in Sweden for violence, while some films getting an R in USA for containing profanity or depictions of sexuality are rated at 7 or 11 years, or even for all audiences. (For example, The King's Speech was allowed for all audiences in Sweden and R-rated in the United States for profanity).

The censorship of films for adults (over 15 years) was abolished January 1, 2011.

The following categories are used:

Videos and DVDs are not rated by Statens medieråd,[13] but distributors will usually assign unofficial recommendations with the same age limits as the official ratings.

There are unofficial ratings used by some television channels, rental shops and adult cinemas to hinder persons below the age of 18 years to be exposed to pornography, such as Barnförbjuden ("prohibited for minors"), 18 År ("18 years") and Vuxenfilm ("movies for adults").


Switzerland is composed of 26 cantons, each having their own rating system. The entries below are examples for the cantons of Vaud and Geneva.

Republic of China (Taiwan)

Taiwan did not have motion picture rating system until April 1994. The GIO in Taiwan divides licensed films into one of the following four categories pursuant to its issued Regulations Governing the Classification of Motion Pictures of the Republic of China (電影片分級處理辦法 in traditional Chinese):

Film advertisements use a single Chinese character surrounded by a square to show the film's category. Television stations must clearly show a film's rating before the start, and after each commercial break.

Related and official link: Classifications of movies (in traditional Chinese)


Before the introduction of the rating system, films are subject to the 1930 Film Act, under which films must be viewed by the Board of Censors, which can then impose cuts on the films prior to release. The board is composed of members of the Royal Thai Police and the Ministry of Culture, with advisory roles from the Buddhist religion, educators and the medical community. Most cuts are made for sexual content, while acts of violence are typically left untouched.

A motion picture rating system was proposed in the Film and Video Act of 2007, and was passed on December 20, 2007 by the Thai military-appointed National Legislative Assembly. Under the law, the ratings, in effect since August 2009, are:

The draft law had been met with resistance from the film industry and independent filmmakers under the Free Thai Cinema Movement. Activists had hoped for a less-restrictive approach than the 1930 Film Act, but under the Film and Video Act, films are still be subject to censorship, or can be banned from release altogether if the film is deemed to "undermine or disrupt social order and moral decency, or might impact national security or the pride of the nation".

As of 2007, a supplementary law or ministerial regulation to implement the rating system was yet to be drafted, and the 1930 Film Act remained in place.[14][15][16][17]

Turks and Caicos Islands

The British colony of Turks and Caicos Islands has its own motion picture rating system which was unchanged since its installation in 1934.

Symbol Name Definition/Notes
Universal Available to anyone who wishes to see the film
Universal with caution May contain some scenes that may not be suitable for very young children.
Seven or over The person must be seven or over to see the film
Eleven or over The person must be eleven or over to see the film
Thirteen or over The person must be thirteen or over to see the film
Sixteen or over The person must be sixteen or over to see the film
Sixteen with privilege The person must be sixteen or over in order to see the film alone, but under 16s can be permitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18
Eighteen The person must be eighteen or over to see the film

United Arab Emirates

The Ministry of Information and Culture of the United Arab Emirates rates all movies according to a set standard.


United Kingdom

Main articles: British Board of Film Classification, History of British Film Certificates

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) rates both motion pictures and videos (and an increasing number of video games). The rating system was introduced in 1913 and, as of 1985, also rates videos. County authorities are ultimately responsible for film ratings for cinema showings in their area. County Councils often ignore the BBFC advised rating and rate films with another BBFC certificate in their county only, e.g.: the BBFC rates a film as 15 but the County council gives the film a 12A rating in their county. Rating certificates from the BBFC are not legally binding whereas those for videos are. British cinemas generally stick closely to the policy of ratings and a young person may often be asked for proof of age if deemed younger than the rating.

The current BBFC system is:

The 12A, 12, 15, 18 and R18 categories are restricted, and it is against the law for anybody under the age given on the packaging.

Films may receive a different rating when released on DVD/video to that at the cinema. It is not unusual for certain films to be refused classification, effectively banning them from sale or exhibition in the UK. Sometimes compulsory cuts are made to films, such as cuts to sexual violence and animal cruelty. Any media which has been banned receives an 'R' certificate (Rejected).

Videos deemed by their distributors to be exempt under the Video Recordings Act 1984 (typically non-fiction content such as music videos, sporting highlights, fitness videos, nature films, etc.) may bear the mark E (for exempt), though this is not a rating and the BBFC does not maintain a symbol. The BBFC also provides ratings for video games which may be unsuitable for sale to young people or children (such as Grand Theft Auto). However, the majority of games are merely rated by the voluntary PEGI rating system, that replaced the ELSPA rating system. It is very rare for a video game to be banned in the United Kingdom, as many controversial games have been released under more recent and more lenient directorship at the organisation, although it has happened once to Manhunt 2.

Former ratings

The list of ratings that the BBFC either a. retired or b. replaced with another rating.

United States

Prior to 1968, some large cities and states had public rating boards which determined whether films were suitable for display to the public in theatres. The United States Supreme Court in the case of Freedman v. Maryland 380 U.S. 51 (1965) effectively ended government operated rating boards when it decided that a rating board could only approve a film; it had no power to ban a film. A rating board must either approve a film within a reasonable time, or it would have to go to court to stop a film from being shown in theatres. Other court cases decided that since television stations are federally licensed, local rating boards have no jurisdiction over films shown on television. When the movie industry set up its own rating system, most state and local boards ceased operating.


In the United States, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), through the Classification and Rating Administration (CARA), issues ratings for movies. The system was instituted in November 1968 and is voluntary; however, most movie theater chains will not show unrated domestic films and most major studios have agreed to submit all titles for rating prior to theatrical release. Most films will have the MPAA insignia at the end of the closing credits. Earlier films that had full opening credits such as The Poseidon Adventure would bear the insignia in the opening.

The ratings (as of 2010) are:


Film Advisory Board

The Film Advisory Board (FAB) has instituted a rating system based on the level of maturity of the material's intended audience, rather than the film's content. While the FAB ratings system is not as recognized or well known as the MPAA's rating system, it is in use by a number of commercial video distributors for direct-to-video releases that would have been impractical to submit to the MPAA. The Film Advisory Board has six ratings categories. Each includes a brief description as to the rating's explanation, such as "Violence in Battle Scenes", "Substance Abuse" or "Brief Nudity". The ratings as of 2008 are:


The motion picture rating system used in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela varies from small child audiences to unrated films. The letter designations work in conjunction with ages:

Films that usually are rated "PG-13" or "R" sometimes change their ratings, either in a lower or higher level. For example: the 2009 motion picture Watchmen was rated "C", which is the same as "R" in the USA, but with a 15 years limit. However, the film The King's Speech was rated "B", which is the same as "PG-13" in the United States.


  1. ^ Note that this rating system is used outside Québec only.
  2. ^ First film rating scheme in the making By Zhu Linyong (China Daily), Updated: 2004-12-17 00:25
  3. ^ Forum Cinemas (Estonian)
  4. ^ SPIO guidelines concerning the self-assignment of ratings (pdf, in German)
  5. ^
  6. ^ a b rgrepublic of South Africa. Volume 502, number 29816. "Error: no |title= specified when using {{Cite web}}". Government printer (South Africa). pp. 4. rgrepublic of South Africa. Volume 502, number 29816.. Retrieved 2zrg. 
  7. ^ Court Lifts Restriction on Sexual Movies, Chosun Ilbo, January 23, 2009, retrieved 2010-07-18
  8. ^ "Spain Bans Saw VI". 2009-10-23. 
  9. ^ "Saw VI, calificada X en España. Ban "Saw VI"". SpanishDict. 2009-10-22. Retrieved 2009-10-25. 
  10. ^ "Swedish Media Council". Retrieved 2011-08-21. 
  11. ^ "Film Classification". Retrieved 2011-08-21. 
  12. ^ "Lag (2010:1882) om åldersgränser för film som ska visas offentligt". (in Swedish). 2010-12-09. 
  13. ^ "FAQ-Film Classification". (in Swedish). Retrieved 2011-08-23. 
  14. ^ Rithdee, Kong. December 20, 2007. Thailand passes controversial film act, Variety (magazine); retrieved 2007-12-21
  15. ^ AsiaMedia :: Beware the watchdogs of cinema
  16. ^ The Nation: Life
  17. ^ Will Reforms Make Censorship Worse?, Simon Montlake, Time, October 11, 2007, retrieved 2007-10-12
  18. ^

See also

External links